Double Sided Foam Tape

Double Sided Foam Tapes

CPAK Packaging’s double sided foam tapes have a high-performance rubber based adhesive. CPAK Packaging stocks standard foam thicknesses of 1/32″, 1/16″, and 1/8″. Acrylic adhesive systems are also available. These foam tapes are recommended for mounting mirrors, soap dispensers, hooks, and similar applications. These tapes also provide sound dampening. These products are die-cuttable to customer specification.

Double Sided Urethane

Double Sided Urethane Foam Tapes are typically polyether and polyester foam tapes that are open cell products and that have low density. They are relatively inexpensive and provide good insulation against dust, light, and sound. These foams typically have a supported adhesive on one side. These products are die-cuttable to customer specification.